Fueled by an unyielding faith, Be Dave Brave’s aim is to support individuals and families’ fight against brain cancer and other various cancers through promoting awareness, providing education, offering encouragement, and sharing laughter.
To inspire and empower those affected by brain cancer.
Be Dave Brave is a 503 c nonprofit, who’s aim is to help those going through cancer. We were established in January of 2015 after the lost of our close friend David Waldron and will continue to help others in years to come. We have been able to help over 50 families, donated over $30,000 to help with medical expenses and travel expenses to and from appointments, donated over 1000 capes to children with cancer, and have offer additional educational information to families in need.
6th Annual
SuperDave 5k Run/ Walk & 1 mile fun run. Saturday, March 28, 2020.
Thomas County Middle School
4681 W Hwy 84 Bypass, Thomasville, GA
Fun Run starts at 8:00am
5k Starts at 8:30am